Available time slots

Wednesday 23 June
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Offers (discount cards, etc.)

Klippekort - 10 klip

Kan bruges i hverdage fra kl. 6:00 - 16:00 på både indendørs og udendørsbanerne / Can be used on week days from 6:00 am - 4:00 pm on both indoor and outdoor courts

Maximum duration of booking: 60 minutes

Valid until 20 October 2025 incl.
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1,300 DKK
10 private lessons with Florencia Montiel

Do you want to take your padel to the next level? Then you have the chance to buy 10 lessons and get more than 25% discount. You can book the private lessons that are already scheduled in Matchi. If none of them fit, then please write an e-mail to flor@padelyard.dk. PLEASE NOTE: The punch cards are personal. However, you can bring up to 3 people by paying an extra 50 DKK per player. Please notify the coach in advance if more players (and how many) are joining the training.

Maximum duration of booking: 60 minutes

Valid until 20 October 2025 incl.
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4,000 DKK
5 private lessons with Florencia Montiel

Do you want to take your padel to the next level? Then you have the chance to buy 5 lessons and get more than 25% discount. You can book the private lessons that are already scheduled in Matchi. If none of them fit, then please write an e-mail to flor@padelyard.dk. PLEASE NOTE: The punch cards are personal. However, you can bring up to 3 people by paying an extra 50 DKK per player. Please notify the coach in advance if more players (and how many) are joining the training.

Maximum duration of booking: 60 minutes

Valid until 20 October 2025 incl.
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2,250 DKK


  • Apply

    Tilføj mig til kunderegistret

    • Period: 20 July 2021 - 31 December 2025

    Type in your information to join our customer list. You DO NOT need to aubmit this if you already booked a time at our venue. 

    Application deadline: 2025-12-31


About Florencia

Florencia Montiel is 27 years old and was born in Argentina and raised in Spain.

Florencia has coached in several clubs in Catalonia from the age of 16, and due to her vast experience Florencia can train all levels from beginners to highly experienced players.

Padel has always been part of Florencia’s life due to her father, who was a professional player and trainer. Now she is here at Padel Yard to take your game to the next level.

A private lesson can be shared between you and up to 3 other players - 550 DKK + 50 DKK per extra player.


Florencia Montiel er 27 år og kommer fra Rosario, Argentina.

Siden hun var 16 år, har Florencia været træner i flere forskellige klubber i Catalonien, og grundet sin store erfaring, er hun i stand til at træne spillere på alle niveauer lige fra begyndere til højt avancerede spillere.

Padel har altid været en central del af Florencias liv, ikke mindst på grund af hendes far, der var professionel padelspiller og træner, og nu er hun her på Padel Yard for at hjælpe med at tage dit spil til næste niveau.

Contact Florencia


  • Training with Florencia Montiel

    Florencia Montiel is 27 years old and was born in Argentina and raised in Spain.

    Florencia has coached in Catalonia from the age of 16 and due to her vast experience Florencia can train all levels from beginners to highly experienced players.

    Padel has always been part of Florencia's life due to her father who is an exprofessional player and coach. Now she's here at Padel Yard to take your game to the next level!

    A private lesson can be shared between you and up to 3 other players (550 DKK + 50 DKK per extra player).
    08:00 - 09:00
    550 DKK
    Please log in to notify when spot is available
    09:00 - 10:00
    550 DKK
    10:00 - 11:00
    550 DKK
    Please log in to notify when spot is available
    11:00 - 12:00
    550 DKK
    Please log in to notify when spot is available
    Show more occasions (totally 56)
  • Boldmaskine+bane / ball-machine+court


    Boldmaskinen er det oplagte redskab til selvtræning. Uanset hvilket niveau du er på, og hvilke slag du vil træne, kan du indstille maskinen, til det du ønsker. Det er en god mulighed for at træne slag med mange gentagelser, så man virkelig får teknikken ind under huden. Et super redskab for alle padel spillere!

    Når du ankommer i hallen, tager du blot fat i en medarbejder, så hjælper vi med at sætte maskinen op, og giver en kort introduktion til, hvordan den anvendes. Du booker automatisk en bane, når du booker boldmaskinen, og prisen er 250 kr.

    God fornøjelse! :)


    The ball-machine is the best tool for self-practice. Regardless of your skill-level and which shots you want to work on, the machine can be adjusted to meet your wishes. It is a good way to train the shots with many repetations, so you really get to work on the technical aspects. A very nice tool for all padel-players!

    When you arrive at the facility, please meet us in the reception - then we will help you set up the machine and give you a brief explanation of how to use it. When you book the ball-machine throug this activity, you also automaticly book a court - the price is 250 DKK.

    Enjoy! :)
    09:00 - 10:00
    250 DKK
    10:00 - 11:00
    250 DKK
    11:00 - 12:00
    250 DKK
    12:00 - 13:00
    250 DKK
    Show more occasions (totally 50)
  • KU Padel - Americano

    KU Padel - Americano

    Our Americano events are open for ALL players which applies to everyone who are students at Københavns Universitet. No matter your level or background, you will be matched on a court with the players closest to your own level.

    How does Americano work?
    - 4 players on each court
    - 3 rounds of 35 minutes, where you play one round with each player on the court
    - Example: Jakob, Kathrine, Emil & Mikkel are playing on a court. First round, Kathrine & Emil are playing against Jakob & Mikkel. Second round, Emil & Mikkel against Kathrine & Jakob. Last round, Kathrine & Mikkel against Emil & Jakob.

    In order to ensure that everyone is matched with players similar to their level, please WRITE YOUR LEVEL when you are placing your booking for the first time (e.g. “2.1” or “3.3”).

    Practical info:
    - Padel rackets: You can pay 40DKK in the clubhouse o borrow a padel racket in case you don’t have your own
    - Showers: There are 6 private showers (with toilets) next to Court 8
    - Free parking is available. You can register your parking in on an iPad in the clubhouse

    NOTE: In case of an “odd” number of registrants (Not divisible by 4 so we can fill up a court, e.g. 5, 6, 9 or 11), we will be forced to cancel the last registrants, so we can fill the courts with 4, 8, 12 or 16 players.

    If the event is full (e.g. 8/8 players registered) but you would like to play, please contact us at info@kupadel.dk as soon as possible - then we will see if we can book another court!

    To become a member of KU Padel and to get amazing benefits , visit www.kupadel.dk - it's 100% free! Follow @kupadel on Instagram for news on upcoming events!
    18:00 - 20:00
    150 DKK
    Show more occasions (totally 1)
  • Americano Ladies INDOORS (beginners/easily practiced)

    (For English see below)

    OBS: For begyndere og let øvede spillere.

    Padel for Ladies! To timer med korte kampe. Vi roterer i hver kamp, så alle kommer til at spille med flere forskellige makkere. Det er et socialt format, med fokus på udvikling og hygge, hvor der er plads til fejl, og så er det også en god mulighed for at lære nye padel-glade ladies at kende.

    Kom alene eller tag en veninde - alle begyndere og let øvede spillere er velkomne!

    Mød gerne op 10 min før start. Er man ikke fremmødt kl. 18:05, forbeholder vi os retten til at give pladsen videre, og du kan derfor ikke være sikker på at få plads, hvis du kommer senere end dette, og ikke har givet os besked på kontakt@padelyard.dk. Er du forsinket, så skal du melde det ind til kontakt@padelyard.dk, så vi ved, at du er på vej.

    AFBUD: Hvis du bliver forhindret i at komme, så er det meget vigtigt, at du afmelder dig holdet her på MATCHi, således at andre fra ventelisten kan overtage din plads. Du kan også forsøge at sælge din plads på Facebook gruppen "Padel Yard Community".

    Velkommen til Padel Yards Americano Ladies OUTDOORS (Begynder/Let Øvet) :)

    NOTE: For beginners and lightly practiced players.

    Padel for Ladies! Two hours of short matches. We rotate in each game, so you get to play with many different partners. It's a social format with a focus on development and enjoyment, where there's room for mistakes, and it's also a great opportunity to meet new paddle-enthusiastic ladies.

    Come alone or bring a friend - all beginners and lightly practiced players are welcome!

    Feel free to arrive 10 minutes before the start. If you are not present at 18:05, we reserve the right to give your spot to someone else, so you cannot be sure of a place if you arrive later than this and have not informed us at kontakt@padelyard.dk. If you are running late, please report it to kontakt@padelyard.dk so we know you are on the way.

    CANCELLATION: If you are unable to attend, it is very important that you cancel your spot on the team here on MATCHi, so that others on the waiting list can take your place. You can also try to sell your spot on the Facebook group "Padel Yard Community."

    Welcome to Padel Yard's Americano Ladies OUTDOORS (Beginner/Lightly Practiced) :)
    18:00 - 20:00
    175 DKK
    Show more occasions (totally 1)
  • Padel Yard Leaderboard

    (For English see below)
    Leaderboard er Padel Yards interne ranglisteturnering, som henvender sig til både kvinder og mænd fra let øvede til meget øvede spillere. Hvilket svarer til niveau 2 - 4,5.

    Det er påkrævet, at du har spillet min. 20+ timers padel før og kender til grundlæggende padeltaktik. Holdet er derfor ikke egnet for dig, der er helt nybegynder.

    Til hver Leaderboard bliver du matchet med de tilmeldte spillere, der er tættest på dit niveau.


    Er du i tvivl om dit niveau, så tjek vores niveau-indeks på:
    www.padelyard.dk under aktiviteter > Hvilket niveau er du på?

    AFBUD: Du aflyser selv din tilmelding via MATCHi og modtager refundering, hvis du aflyser senest 24 timer inden starttidspunktet.

    AFBUD MED MINDRE END 24 TIMER TIL START: Bliver du forhindret i at deltage med under 24 timer til start, er det vigtigt, at du stadig annullerer din booking her på MATCHi. Så har vi nemlig mulighed for at finde en afløser for dig, så vi er fuldtallige på alle baner.

    VENTELISTE: Du kan altid skrive dig på ventelisten, og så får du en mail i tilfælde af afbud.

    - Du spiller på samme bane hele sessionen og alle spiller mod alle på banen. Dvs. 3 kampe på tid med padel score.
    - For hver vundet kamp modtager du +25 point, uafgjort giver +5 og et nederlag giver -15 point.
    - Leaderboardranglisten opdateres hver uge og kan findes på vores hjemmeside under fanen: Aktiviteter > Leaderboard

    Ved tilmelding godkender du, at dit navn må skrives på deltagerlisten, som bliver synlig for de andre deltagere på vores facebookgruppe "Padel Yard Community" samt på ranglisten, som kan ses på vores hjemmeside.

    Vi spiller i udgangspunktet på vores indendørsbaner. Forår og sommer spiller vi Leaderboard på vores udendørsbaner når det er muligt - i dette tilfælde sender vi en mail ud dagen før, hvis vi rykker aktiviteten udenfor.

    Velkommen til Padel Yards Leaderboard :)

    The Leaderboard is Padel Yard's internal ranking list tournament, which is addressing both women and men from intermediate to advanced players. This corresponds to levels 2-4.5.

    It is required that you have played a minimum of 20+ hours of padel and are familiar with basic padel tactics. The team is therefore not suitable for complete beginners.

    For each Leaderboard, you will be matched with registered players closest to your level.


    If you are unsure about your level, check our level index at:
    www.padelyard.dk under activities > What level are you on?

    CANCELLATION: You can cancel your registration via MATCHi and receive a refund if you cancel at least 24 hours before kick off.

    CANCELLATION WITH LESS THAN 24 HOURS TO START: If you are unable to participate with less than 24 hours to the beginning of the event, it is important that you still cancel your booking here on MATCHi. This way, we have the opportunity to find a replacement for you so that we have a full team on all courts.

    WAITLIST: You can always join the waitlist, and you will receive an email in case of cancellations.

    You play on the same court throughout the session, and everyone plays against everyone on the court. This means 3 timed matches with paddle scores.
    For each won match, you receive +25 points, a draw gives +5, and a defeat gives -15 points.
    The Leaderboard ranking is updated every week and can be found on our website:
    Activities > Leaderboard.
    By registering, you agree that your name may be listed on the participant list, visible to other participants in our Facebook group "Padel Yard Community," and on the ranking list, which can be seen on our website.

    We primarily play on our indoor courts. In spring and summer, if it is possible, we move Leaderboard to the outdoor courts - in this case we move the activity outdoors, we will send an email the day before.

    Welcome to Padel Yard's Leaderboard! :)
    10:00 - 12:00
    100 DKK
    10:00 - 12:00
    100 DKK
    10:00 - 12:00
    100 DKK
    10:00 - 12:00
    100 DKK
    Show more occasions (totally 12)
  • CBS Padel Leaderboard

    The CBS Leaderboard is CBS Padel’s own internal ranking, which applies to both men and women who are students at CBS. Registration must be done by CBS mail.

    For each Leaderboard, you are matched with players at your own level based on the ranking of the registrants. For example, the four highest-placed registered players will play on the same court throughout the session, where you then rotate partners and play 35 minutes with each.

    - For a won match you receive +25 points, a draw gives +5 points, and a loss gives -15 points.
    - Every time you play Leaderboard you play 3 matches of 35 minutes.
    - You play on a court with other players who have approximately the same level as you.
    - You play on the same court the whole session, and everyone play each other. Like Americano, it is 3 matches, but where the game is played with a normal score.
    - The Leaderboard is updated every week and is posted on Padel Yards website.

    The first few times you are very welcome to indicate your level by writing it as a comment when you register, so we ensure that the first times also will be equal matches.

    Are you in doubt about your level? Feel free to use this level index to find your level: https://www.padelyard.dk/hvilket-niveau-er-du-p

    NOTE: In case of an “odd” number of registrants (5, 6, 9, 10, 13 or 14), we will be forced to cancel the last 2 registrants, so we can fill the courts with 4, 8, 12 or 16 players.
    18:00 - 20:00
    150 DKK
    18:00 - 20:00
    150 DKK
    18:00 - 20:00
    150 DKK
    Show more occasions (totally 3)

About Padel Yard Reffen


Velkommen til Padel Yard - beliggende på Refshaleøen i København

- 10 udendørsbaner og 8 indendørsbaner
- Bat kan lejes på stedet og bolde kan købes
- HUSK indtastning på parkeringstablet

Vores afbestillingsregel er 24 timer. Hvis du annullerer inden 24 timer, får du pengene tilbage.

Court details

Artificial grass (9 pcs)
Other (1 pcs)
Artificial grass (10pcs)

Hours of operation

06:00 - 24:00
06:00 - 24:00
06:00 - 24:00
06:00 - 24:00
06:00 - 24:00
06:00 - 24:00
06:00 - 24:00

Contact information

Refshalevej 179 (outdoor) & Refshalevej 167E (indoor)
1432, Kobenhavn