Trondheim Norge Vecka 19 (9-11/5)
Om möjligt på grus :)
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10 speltimmar tennis på valfri tid på ÖFTK´s banor.
Maximum duration of booking: 90 minutes
Log in | 2,600 SEK |
Membership mandatory
Apply here. |
Maximum duration of booking: 90 minutes
Log in | 2,375 SEK |
Membership mandatory
Apply here. |
Maximum duration of booking: 90 minutes
Log in | 1,760 SEK |
Membership mandatory
Apply here. |
5 speltimmar tennis på valfri tid på ÖFTK´s banor.
Maximum duration of booking: 90 minutes
Log in | 1,350 SEK |
Membership mandatory
Apply here. |
Maximum duration of booking: 90 minutes
Log in | 1,260 SEK |
Membership mandatory
Apply here. |
Maximum duration of booking: 90 minutes
Log in | 905 SEK |
Membership mandatory
Apply here. |
Trondheim Norge Vecka 19 (9-11/5)
Om möjligt på grus :)
Verksamhetschef ÖFTK, Ligaspel, träningar, grupper, PT, Juniorer, Seniorer, Skolor, bokningar
Träningar, grupper, PT, Junior, Senior
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